Press Kit and
G.P. in Action
Resources you might need for your event
G.P. will help you market your event. Here you will find images and bios you can use on your marketing material.

Images of G.P.

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Inspiring audiences around the world to communicate with purpose

G.P. in action

G.P.'s Bios

Afrikaans and English biographies of GP for your promotional use

Afrikaans Bio

G.P. van Rheede van Oudtshoorn is ‘n internasionale motiveringspreker en besigheidspesialis in korporatiewe kommunikasie wat die wêreld van funksies, veldtogte, opleiding en besigheidsbeplanning enbestuur met sy positiewe energie opvlam. G.P. het al gehore in meer as 12 lande toegespreek en opgelei in die veld van besigheidsbestuur, hoër onderwys en korporatiewe kommunikasie. Sy interaktiewe, humoristiese en inspirerende aanslag tot sy dienste bemagtig en vermaak nie net sy gehoor nie; dit is aansteeklik en dryf mense tot pragmatiese aksie. 

English Bio

G.P. van Rheede van Oudtshoorn is an international motivational speaker and business specialist in corporate communication with a proven track record as scholar, consultant and director of Coppertop Consulting. G.P. has presented and trained audiences in business management, higher education, and corporate communication in more than 12 countries. He excels in strategic planning and management, specifically in corporate communication and marketing, and empowers his audience with a strategic communication toolbox that allows them to communicate with influence and cultivate positivity that will drive action. Communicating and marketing a brand, corporate culture and team values excite him.  He gets your business talking and people talking about your business.

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